Lookin' Back at our Christmas Travels

We had a marvelous time sharing about God's greatest Gift to mankind this last Christmas season. 

Although with the weather, things always get interesting! It's beautiful as long as we are all safe and cozy inside, but while traveling across the vast open spaces in between Bemidji, MN and Karlstad, MN up near the Canadian border, we were thankful that we didn't have any vehicle troubles. The temperatures plummeted a great deal in anticipation of our arrival - a routine occurrence, I might add!!! It was their coldest spell yet that month.

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Notice the frost! The trailer we pull isn't heated, so all of the stuff that doesn't need climate  control gets kinda chilly! (We had to use gloves to set up the sound equipment!)

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Enjoy the following photos! Click on an image to view it full screen and then use the arrows to navigate through them.

Have a wonderful winter day celebrating our Saviour!